Go Green

Do your part to make California a greener place to live. Go Green and help California to be a cleaner and more environmentally friendly place to live. Here are a few tips that are the BAR (Bureau of Automotive Repair) recommends that consumers take to maintain their vehicles. It’s true, proper maintenance results in better fuel economy and less pollution. So let’s do our part to make California a GREENER place to live.

Maintain Tires

  • Use the proper size tire.
  • Check and maintain tire pressure.
  • Rotate and align tires routinely.

Be Fuel Efficient

  • Use the correct fuel octane.
  • Don’t top off.
  • Don’t be a “lead foot”.

Use the Right Oil

  • Follow manufacturer’s service schedule.
  • Use proper grade and quality.
  • Check oil levels routinely.
  • Repair leaks promptly.

Perform Regular Maintenance

  • Don’t ignore dashboard indicator lights.
  • Read and follow owner’s manual.
  • Get repairs by licensed repair stations.

Some Helpful Links To Stay Green

Below you will find many helpful links that you can you use to stay better informed on how to help make California a greener place to live. If everyone does their part we CAN make a difference.

California Climate Change Center

is the state’s portal to climate changes news and information. This Web site combines information on the impact of climate change and the State’s policies relating to global warming, with the California Climate Change Center, a “virtual” research and information website. Go Green

EPA – Carbon Footprint

What is your Carbon Footprint? EPA has developed an online calculator for you to estimate your personal greenhouse gas emissions or your family’s
greenhouse gas emissions based on your daily activities. This Web site will also give you information on how to lower your emissions while reducing your energy and waste disposal costs. What is your Carbon Footprint? Find Out

The Environmental Protection Agency

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides fact sheets on a variety of ways to reduce emissions from automobiles. This Web site provides tips on how to maintain your vehicle, driving tips to reduce air pollution, a list of ozone definitions, and much more. Go Green

The California Air Resources Board

The California Air Resources Board (ARB) has a wealth of information and links regarding Climate Change and portals to other useful Web sites. Go Green

Climate Change Information

North Carolina University has assembled a library of science and technology resources dedicated to Climate Change. This site has something for everyone: kids, academics, consumers, and everyone in between. Go Green

Air Now

This Web site will provide you with a look at air quality on a national level. You can look up the air quality of your city, or the city of a family member or friend. This Web site also provides practical tips on transportation, tips on green vehicles, and every day practices to help clean the air. Go Green

Green California

Welcome to Green California. This is the Department of General Services Web site listing all things green for state buildings and green purchasing practices. Learn what the state is doing to reduce energy consumption, conserve resources, lower greenhouse gases, and much more. Go Green

Need Help Cutting Gas Costs

The Department of Energy has put together a list of helpful information, ranging from how hybrid cars work to gas mileage tips, and even how to find the cheapest gas in town. Go Green

3000 Mile Myth

Needing to change your car’s oil at 3,000 miles is a myth. Many cars today can go longer without affecting engine wear.

Do your part to help keep California green. Always check your vehicle’s user manual for guidelines on when to change your oil. It will save you money, time and help the environment too. And that’s a change we can all get behind. Go Green

Have a GREEN Idea?

Have some suggestions or a good website to keep California Green? We would love to hear your ideas or learn more. Please email us so we help make California a greener place to live.

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